Homework is so neat

January 13

Been doing some planning for the final project and solved Economics problems. (Only 2 though. Excel is neat, but the problems are constructed in a way so that you have to manually select each cell by hand, to create the stupid diagram. It’s evil! )

I think I used at least an hour just to make this.

Jessie was complaining about not being able to use sound in MSN, and downloaded Skype, which claims to have sound quality which is 3 times better than the one in MSN, and better than the sound quality in a standard tellyphone. But I couldn’t really test with her, because the mic input on my sound card is faulty, one of a bunch of problems with my sound card. So I checked around for prices on sound cards on internet stores. But because shipping is so costy, just buying a sound card wouldn’t be enough, so I started looking at other stuff I’d like to have. I think my list was:

  • 1 sound card
  • 2 microphones
  • 2 RAM-pieces with 128MB or 256MB
  • 1 monitor

Strange, I thought the list was longer. In any case, I couldn’t really think of a thing to add to my page to make it more interesting, and I need to sleep now. Meh. Need to do homework tomorrow. 🙁


Posted by on 2004-01-13 in Uncategorized

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