Category Archives: Uncategorized

Homemade pizza


I made this pizza myself! Looks yummy or what?

I don’t remember the recipe though, I just found a recipe somewhere on the internet. It was also somewhat too much to eat half a pizza, I seem to remember that I got a bit too full. But it was good anyway! I should make it again, although I’ve recently been wanting to eat a hamburger. I don’t have any beef, though… *sigh* I guess I’ll just go to some burger restaurant one day.


Posted by on 2004-11-27 in Uncategorized

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There is snow! It already started snowing last Friday, then it got a bit warmer and the rain washed the snow away somewhat. But then a few days ago I woke up to this!
Soon I may have to scoop snow… *shudders*

Also the temperature indoors has sinked to around 8 degrees Celsius. If I get cold I turn on the heat for a while, but it’s still somewhat bearable. I just wear a scarf indoors too… Oh, did I mention the scarf I got from Anna? Hmm, gotta take a picture of it!

There! Neat or what? No big version of this picture, my head looks so big because I took the picture with my head close to the camera… *sigh*

I made more cha xiao bao last weekend too, made double the amount! But they turned out a bit weird, I’m not sure if I added too much of something or whatnot. Tastes okay though. I was planning to try and have Nugatti (a Norwegian nutchocolate spread for bread) in some of them, but I had more than enough cha xiao filling, so I didn’t after all. Hmm, I didn’t take any pictures this time, so I’ll just show you some older pictures that I haven’t put up before!

Oh, and back to the topic on snow and cold, did I mention I’m going to Hong Kong this Christmas? The whole family is travelling to Hong Kong to celebrate Christmas with my father’s family there! So we can meet our little cousins and my grandmother’s chickens, and eat them! The chickens, that is. And of course, it’ll be warmer there. I do hope it won’t be supercold when we get back to Norway and our apartment here in Trondheim…


Posted by on 2004-11-17 in Uncategorized

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Never too much dinner!


Here’s an image of a friend of mine cooking my dinner! Okay, not really.

Vegetable soup with sausage pieces, is what she’s making. It’s kind of my dinner, since I did eat it for dinner, but it’s not just my dinner. Other people ate it too!

The picture is from when me and my cell group was helping out in a church mass to make free food for visitors. She made soup, and I made waffles. Also helped cleaning up and stuff. Oh, it’s going to be one more time this Thursday. Here’s one more pic of the pot:

Is it big or what? Maybe I should get one of those at home!


Posted by on 2004-11-16 in Uncategorized

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