Author Archives: Johan Ho

A sunny day in Bergen

Been a while since my last post. To my excuse, I’ve spent quite a few of my days the last weeks meeting people. Wendy and Maggie visited in the beginning of October, and we had hotpot with them and people from the youth group at our house.

Hmm, I really don’t take many photos anymore… Just noticed that this is the only photo that Maggie and Wendy is in. I only intended to take a photo of the food too.

Sunday October 4th we had a Moon festival party at church, played some games and ate lots of food. But the adults weren’t really interested in the games, and were apparently just waiting for the food. It was still okay fun I guess.

Explaining game rules.

Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th I had dinner some friends, because Elisa was visiting from Stavanger. In fact, I hardly ever meet any of the friends in Oslo that aren’t going to church. Too much in need of some occasion as an excuse to get together… I didn’t take any photos with my camera in any case. Should ask them to send their photos.

Went to Bergen with my family (minus Leon who had gone to Glasgow) on the weekend 9th – 11th October to visit some summer camp friends there, also Hanfeng who is studying there now.


We walked around in Bergen a little, then went to Ivy’s house to play Wii. It was fun seeing everyone, although we hadn’t really planned anything in particular. Maybe we should plan a bit more next time. Although Wing Jin isn’t too thrilled about me and Vilhelm going there again. She thinks we (Vilhelm) teases her too much. Possibly.

This week I tried to have a bit more of a break, and I managed to finish off a few of my todo-list items. There are way too many things there that I feel I’ll never finish. (Although I’ll admit a few of them don’t really think is so important…) On Friday Leon brought some friends back from Glasgow for sightseeing in Oslo, so I spent time with them and Leon walking around in Oslo. (I got up at 7 o’clock in the morning, and didn’t even get home and to bed before 3:30 past midnight.)


Trygve came to talk at our youth meeting today, he talked about having goals and visions, also about getting guidance from the bible for our lives. I think I need a more specific goal in my life, maybe. Don’t really have one. I might be too satisfied with my current life situation…

After the youth meeting we went to Yibo’s house to play tennis with people from the youth group. I played a little triple tennis with those who got there first, but in the end I just felt too tired to want to play anymore.


I just went home after eating. Tried to rest a little, but also had to time doing laundry and cleaning my desk. It’s late now, but I’m still waiting for my last batch of laundry to finish… And there were still things on my todo list that I wanted to do. *sigh* I’m getting tired anyhows, and I have to go to work tomorrow, so I guess I’ll just have to finish the laundry and go to bed.


Posted by on 2009-10-18 in Uncategorized

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Faces book

Been playing around with the facial recognition feature in Picasa 3.5 the last two days. It’s great fun! I’ve thought about tagging my photos or something to make it easier to look up older photos of people, but this feature definitely makes it a lot easier. So far, the facial recognition part seems pretty solid: I’ve only seen two matches so far that weren’t actual faces. There’s the problem of faces not getting recognized as faces though, but I’m not sure how bad this is since Picasa is still only 29% through the scanning, even though I left it on all night yesterday…


Then there’s the face grouping feature, which groups similar faces together. When you tag a group of photos with a name, they’ll be put in that person’s folder, and you can easily find photos of specific people. The website says you’re supposed to be able to find photos with two or more people that you specify, but I haven’t quite figured out how this is supposed to work yet… You can also make different types of photo montages, which should be great for making gifts/cards to people. Or making wallpapers of the girl/boy you’re stalking, if you’re into that kind of thing.

Johan Ho
It’s a me! Use this as your wallpaper if you want. No, actually, please don’t.

As you tag more faces into a person’s album, Picasa will get better at recognizing this person. It’s pretty cool! But of course, the program won’t be able to get things 100% correct. Some minor difficulties I’ve found while playing with this program:

  • If I tag some blurry photos with a person’s name, Picasa tends to suggest or add a bunch of other (and very often wrong) blurry photos for that person. Can’t really blame it for getting it wrong when the photos are bad quality… I wonder if I should just stop tagging the blurry photos.
  • When you’re working on the “unknown people” page, there’s an option that groups together all faces that Picasa thinks are similar, and it shows only one of them for you to tag. When you tag that photo, the whole group is tagged as being that person. However, sometimes this adds a lot of wrong faces to that person. I guess it’s best if you make sure to choose “Expand group” to show all the faces in the group, to make sure it’s correct. Especially when it’s one of the beforementioned blurry photos! Even though it slows down the tagging a little bit. Still, this feature is a great timesaver, otherwise you’d have to tag one by one all the faces that Picasa doesn’t recognize automatically!
  • For reasons I don’t understand, some faces are put in lots of different people’s albums. When I’m browsing through the photos, they keep showing up in the wrong albums. I’m not even sure if it’s because they keep moving around after I delete them from the wrong albums, or if they’re actually tagged in each of those albums.
  • Sometimes Picasa hangs when I try to tag someone. And it forgets the last 5 minutes or so of tagging that I’ve done when I kill it and restarts it. This problem is pretty annoying… I’m not entirely sure that it’s hanging completely or if I just have to wait a bit longer for it to start working again though. But it’s pretty annoying when it forget the tags I’ve been working on…

Still, even with those issues, it’s really cool whenever Picasa adds a bunch of (correct) photos to a person’s album! For a couple of the people I think I’ve tagged 20-30 or so photos manually, and then Picasa has automatically suggested 100+ correct photos, so I can just select them and choose “Confirm”! It’s almost like a kick! In fact, I feel like I’m almost addicted to tagging photos now… just have to tag a few more photos…

On a sidenote, I better make sure the Picasa database is being backuped, so I can keep the tags even if something bad happens to the computer. *sigh*

A short list of things I’ve done since last post:

  • Went to hear Nina and Elizabeth’s performance on Friday 18th September, Oslo kulturnatt. I thought my family intended to listen to the rest of the performances, but we snuck out a bit after Nina and Elizabeth’s last performance!
  • Went to a free SEMISCON concert on Monday 20th september. It was actually pretty cool, even though I fell asleep for part of the concert. Went to eat sushi with some Chinese youth afterwards.
  • Had a sleepover at church Friday 25th to Saturday 26th. Played some games, ate food and watched some movies, while not sleeping much at all. (That is to say, I slept the most of everyone probably, but the others tried to stay awake as long as they could.) Well, one person had to be awake at all times because we’re not actually allowed to sleep at the church building unless someone is keeping watch. But that person was not me.
  • Went shopping a bit with my family today. Bought a new bathrobe. It’s a bit thinner, so hopefully it won’t be too warm when I use it in summer, like the other one I have.

Ugh, need to pull myself away from the photo tagging and get myself to bed. Work tomorrow… *sigh*


Posted by on 2009-09-29 in Uncategorized

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Posted by on 2009-09-25 in Uncategorized

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