Category Archives: Uncategorized

More games for you

Flash games are fun! Some of them anyhow. Oh, for those who care, I have completed Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow in normal mode and Julius mode. Currently playing through hard mode, while waiting for Bomberman DS to arrive. Gotten almost all the souls too! Anyway, click read more for a list of flash games that I found quite good and want you to try, even though some of the games are a bit old.

The Grow series is a simple type of game: You get a list of items that you can put into the game area, and depending on which order you put the items in, you’ll get higher score. To figure out which order the items should be put in, you’ll have to see how each item react to each other, and make sure the items which needs the longest time to grow are put the earliest! The sound effects, graphics and animations also really help making this a good game. Click on the text in the image to go to each game.

Other brainteaser games that I recommend:

Hyperframe is just the old “draw lines between two similar colors without the lines crossing” type of game, but with some kind of simple fancy 3D. The game is set up as a square grid, where some of the squares are colored, with two and two squares having the same color. Your job is to draw a path between the squares which have the same color. The challenge is to draw all the paths without breaking some of the other paths! Clearing all the puzzles was really quite satisfying.
Tork is a very original adventure game! You are stranded on an alien planet, and you have to figure out how to interact with the people there. The problem is, they talk in a weird symbol language, and you’ll have to figure out what each symbol means! It’s not as difficult as it sounds, since sentences consists of a maximum of 3 symbols, but it’s still a bit of a challenge. It’s been quite some time since I played this game, but it’s really one of the most original adventure flash games I’ve played.
This is another simple game, where all you have to do is to hang a number of items up on a, erh, lever. The items must not reach the water, however, so after new items come, you may have to move things around quite a bit before getting it to work. And there’s a trick to the last item which may take some time to figure out.
Death in Sakkara
This is a rather new adventure game, and it’s actually not fully finished yet. (Two out of four chapters have been released so far.) The game plays kind of like a comic, with speech bubbles and still images, with short point-and-click adventuring between, and some minigames that you have to win in order to move on. The game is quite well made, the journal that is automatically updated with pictures and text when you find clues is especially neat! Be warned that there are lots of text, so unless you like reading, you won’t like this game much.

Okay, enough about games. I actually have more games I wanted to show, but I guess I’ll save it for later.

Oh yes, I’ve now fully switched to MSN, instead of using Trillian or Miranda. Part of the reason for the switch is that MSN Plus now supports tabbed chatting, meaning I can have only one chat window open no matter how many people I’m actually chatting with on MSN! I can switch between the people in the same window instead of having several windows cluttering my desktop! This is quite a big help for me because my stupid laptop screen doesn’t support a resolution higher than 1024×768. The screenshot below is an example of tabbed chatting, although I’m not really chatting with those people right now, which explains the blank text field. (Although another explanation could be that I removed the text in my image editor.)

For those of you who have been told that MSN Plus contains spyware: Yes it does, but you don’t need to install it. Basically it shows a screen which asks you to install a “support program” or something like that, and as long as you make sure you select “no”, it won’t be installed. So you just have to actually read the stuff that the installation screen asks you, instead of just clicking next next next. No worries there!

Oh, I also removed the tabs from the contact list window, which is also a problem because of my resolution, and I also removed a bunch of other stuff. I’ll write how in a later post, since the website where the downloads are seems to be down now…

As a last note, I’ll be going to Malmö and Glasgow in December! If nothing goes wrong, that is. Well, so for those who’re in any of those places, I guess I’ll see you there.


Posted by on 2005-11-11 in Uncategorized

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Final Fantasy X for NES


Some Japanese fans made a NES version of Final Fantasy X. Complete with sphere grid system, limit breaks and everything, or so I’ve read on other sites. Japanese site and screenshots.

If it was in English, I’d play it. Untill I get myself a PS2. Maybe.

Or maybe I should just buy a PS2. And a Game Cube. And a TV, so I can actually use them. But then I’d have to pay the NRK license. *sigh* I guess I’ll just stick to my Nintendo DS for now.

This is one of the most famous scenes from the game, I believe. Who says gamers don’t know how to appreciate a romantic moment? Eh, I’m sure it’d seem more romantic if I could actually read the text.


Posted by on 2005-10-22 in Uncategorized

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Malmö city

I was in Malmö last weekend, met a lot of youth and did some shopping. Bought an electric fan with a water spray, to use on hot days! Not that there are so many of those here in Norway, but I guess I can use it when I have to make an effort and feel too warm. Eh, not that I do that a lot either… Ahum! I also bought some other stuff, which you can read about if you click on “read more”.

When going back from Malmö I bought some coffee candy to see if it will help me stay awake during lectures. Also I bought some underwear, and a mouse mat for 10 SEK. It supposedly has a gel wristrest, but the gel’s too hard and usually blocks mouse movement because the mat isn’t long enough or something… But at least it doesn’t make the mouse pointer suddenly skip around like a terrorstricken bee on the monitor, unlike another mousemat I’ve been using.

Enough about shopping! Well, other than shopping, we had a few youth meetings, with worshipping, games and talks. On Saturday some people went to laserdome, while others just went shopping. I didn’t go to laserdome, since I hadn’t brought any showering equipment, and didn’t want to stink the rest of the trip, so I went shopping instead (and bought that fan I mentioned, plus some batteries for some of my household electronic equipment). Also we ate falafel
wraps. Other than that meal and breakfast, all the meals were chicken, which I don’t particularly mind, although the chicken on Saturday was slightly dry.

I didn’t take many pictures on this trip, also I didn’t use my digital camera, but my cellphone camera instead. Oh yeah, I’ve been using a Qtek 2020 cellphone lately, because I get to borrow it for my school project. The screen is large so it’s fun to take pictures with the camera, but the quality of the images taken is rather poor. But I can use ScummVM on it to play old point-and-click adventure games, I can use it as a MP3 player, and it’s got a lot of other possibilities, so it’s still kind of fun to use!

Speaking of games, I recently bought Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Simply put: It’s AWESOME! A little about the game first. The main character in the game is Soma Cruz, and, well, he has to defeat the bad guys, simply put. The story in itself isn’t all that original, so I’ll just leave it at that, and write a bit about the gameplay.

Dawn of Sorrow is a 2D platform action game with some RPG elements. Soma gains experience points for defeating enemies, and will gain levels and gets stronger when he has enough experince points. He can also equip different weapons, armor and accessories, just like any other RPG. The type of weapon used affects the gameplay. Some weapons have more range and are stronger, but will give a longer lag after each attack. Some weapons have shorter range, but can attack more rapidly. Other weapons have very long range, but have lower attack power, and so on.

Soma can also get “souls” from enemies that he defeat. These souls allow him to use special attacks or to get different status boosts, or even give him special abilities like doublejump or transforming into a bat (special abilities are usually gotten from bosses). This, in addition to the changes in gameplay given by the different weapons, gives a lot of possibilites and variations in the gameplay, and it’s quite fun to test out different combinations of special attacks and weapons. The music and graphics in the game are also great! Actually, I noticed that some of the backgrounds in the game are in 3D, although this doesn’t affect the gameplay, which is purely 2D. Kind of neat.

Hmm yeah, now this article is more about that game than about Malmö, isn’t it… I didn’t even buy the game in Malmö. Well, I can write that we totally forgot to play chitty-chitty bang bang, that I got the chance to see Yilou and Eva dance (they’ve mentioned it on MSN Messenger), that I didn’t buy any Kesella after all, that I’m still waiting for someone to get a copy of the group picture we took, and that the time we spent in Malmö was entirely too short. I kind of wish I could’ve stayed at the house of someone I knew and spoke Cantonese, though. Since I don’t have a group picture, I’ll just post some other picture I took with Qtek’s photo frame function:


Posted by on 2005-10-15 in Uncategorized

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