Author Archives: Johan Ho

I am older! Also I bought more games.

I celebrated my birthday with my family and some friends a few weeks ago, it was nice! My mother asked if I wanted to invite more friends and have a bigger party, but I just felt like it was too much work.

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We also had a celebration at work because I turned 30, a “round” number. Even got some gifts there too! All in all I got some useful gifts: some kitchenware, a Leatherman (chosen by my boss at work), and a few clothing articles. Rather glad for those gifts!

I played through Resident Evil 6 with my brother, and finished Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask. Right now the game I’m playing the most is Virtue’s Last Reward for the 3DS (there’s also a Vita version), which is an excellent game if you don’t mind Visual Novel types of games. Because the longest part of the game is the Novel part where you see the characters interact with each other, while the Escape part of the game is a point and click type of puzzle game where you have to pick up items and use them correctly in order to find the exit for the room you’re currently in.

Virtue's Last Reward

The game is a sequel to Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, one of my favorite games for the DS. The story of Virtue’s Last Reward is that nine people wake up in a locked facility, where they are told by a computer AI called Zero Jr. that they have to participate in a game that he calls the “Nonary Game”. The people have to try to escape the game, while they are also trying to find out which of the participants they can trust and which might be Zero Sr. himself, the person who arranged the whole thing and created Zero Jr. At certain points in the story you can make choices, and the story will diverge into different paths depending on your choices.

I don’t want to spoil too much of the story so I’ll try not going into details, but in any case, what I liked about those two games is finding out the back story for each person little by little, and figuring out what is the deal with the game and the multiple endings! While the first game had 6 different endings, this sequel states that it has 24 different endings! Luckily they added the possibility to directly jump to any game path that you have already played to. In the first game you had to play through the game from the beginning to get the other endings, though you could fast-forward quite quickly through text that you have already seen before (you can also do this in Virtue’s Last Reward).

WARNING: The 3DS version has a save bug which may corrupt your save file! And there’s only one save file, so there’s no way of making backups… If you save in the PEC (pressure exchange) puzzle room or the Crew’s Quarters puzzle room, the game may crash, corrupting your save file. However, I never saved in a puzzle room, but my save file got corrupted when I saved in the PEC room during the Novel section of the game! Some people say that the safest is to save only in corridors and warehouses. But in any case, definitely avoid saving in the PEC or Crew’s Quarters rooms, no matter if it’s during the puzzle or during the novel section!


Also there’s a new Humble Bundle, with games from the economically challenged company THQ. Amongst the games are Darksiders, Metro 2033 and, if you pay above the average of currently 5.65USD, Saints Row: The Third. So far I’ve only tested out Darksiders, it seems to have amazing nVidia 3D Vision support! I had to download the XBox 360 controller emulator to get my non-XBox controller to work with the game in Windows. Oh yeah, for those who are using non-Windows computers, please note that this bundle only works in Windows, and only with Steam (it’s not possible to download the games DRM-free). As of this moment there are about 10 days left to get this bundle.

I also bought Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty when it was on a 50% sale last week. It is a neat game, but the 3D Vision support is a bit problematic, because the 3D settings that works best with the cutscenes and mission selection part of the game, doesn’t work so well during the main game, so I have to adjust the settings when it switches to and from the main game. Maybe I should just give up 3D in this game…

starcraft ii

Man, so much for not buying games… At least I didn’t end up buying the Wii U. I went to SpillExpo in Lillestrøm (barely half hour away from Oslo), a gaming expo in Norway, but I was rather disappointed with the size of the expo. It was even smaller than Gamex! And they didn’t have the Wii U for sale! I had already tried the Wii U at Gamex, so I weren’t really that excited about trying it again.


I did get to try Dead Space 3, Paper Mario: Sticker Star and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon. And apparently we could go to JuleExpo (Christmas expo) and antiques expo for no extra cost once we were inside, which was at least somewhat amusing. Just had a quick look at those though. Almost should have had a closer look since we had pay money to enter, but I guess then we’d only have more people try to sell us stuff… While at SpillExpo there were just too few shops in my opinion.

Last Friday I also went to a friend’s place for dinner and board games. Played Power Grid, a game that we’ve had for a few years but haven’t played much in a while. It was quite fun, although we found out we did get some of the rules wrong! There are just too many rules to keep in mind… Still, I definitely want to try the game again with the proper rules some time. Also played Quarriors and Dominion.


Games asides, I have been using Netflix quite a bit, usually watching shows on my second monitor while doing other stuff. I’ve tried to catch up on certain shows that I wanted to see, and I’ve also watched a few other shows that I hadn’t watched before. Watched through season 1 of The Walking Dead, season 1 and 2 of Fringe, and currently watching through Dexter. Also once in a while I watch Archer and Doctor Who, and I watched a few of Russell Peters’ stand-up shows, they are quite funny! Been quite a while since I saw his shows for the first time, so it was fun seeing that they’re now available on Netflix.

I think I’ll go and play more Virtue’s Last Reward now. Since my save file got corrupted I’ve been putting the game on auto mode to get through the text while doing other stuff (so I’ve been running it instead of Netflix). Luckily I can also quite quickly play through the puzzle rooms that I’ve already played since I remember how to solve them. I still haven’t gotten through all the story paths that I had done before the save got corrupted, but I’ve taken some new story paths too so I won’t get too bored with going through the same things again.


Posted by on 2012-12-02 in Rambling

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RE6, Bergen, Stockholm, surgery

I bought the Resident Evil 6 Collector’s Edition. (The T-shirt was not part of it, but I got it for free because the web shop had a campaign. The green penguin thing was also bought separately.) Been playing it with Vilhelm. It’s not a superb game, but it’s fun playing it with my brother nevertheless.

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Went to Bergen one weekend with some people from the Oslo youth group to help lead the youth meeting. I was in charge of leading some games, mostly. After the youth meeting we went out to town with some of the youth. We ate at a restaurant with a polar bear.

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You can buy it!

The weekend after that I went to Stockholm to visit Gamex. It was somehow even less impressive than previous years, though I did get to see Yann there at the Nintendo booth, and try out the Wii U. The only game I tested where I got to use the Wii U Gamepad was New Super Mario Bros. U, where I tried to add blocks on the stage to help the other four people playing. It was interesting, but not really a overly impressive use of the gamepad. I’m guessing that ZombiU had the “best” use of the gamepad, but I didn’t bother trying it because it had the longest queue. If I buy the Wii U, I’ll probably get that game though. Haven’t quite decided if I’ll buy the Wii U yet since my plan for Christmas was to finish as many of my older games as possible first. Maybe next year.

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I also bought the latest Professor Layton game for the 3DS: Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. They didn’t have it at Gamex, so I just bought it at GameStop. Great game! There haven’t really been so many “must-buy” games for the 3DS. Even less so for the PS Vita. But I’m really looking forward to Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward, the sequel to Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, one of my most favorite DS games. (I played that game untill 8 in the morning one weekend.) Will probably buy the sequel for the 3DS in any case, because I’m a sucker for 3D. (It is also available for PS Vita.)

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Oh and lastly, I had surgery last week. If you want more details about that, just ask me. I guess I’ll refrain from posting details about the surgery publicly, even though I already posted TMI on Facebook according to some people.

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Posted by on 2012-11-16 in Rambling

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Netflix is out in Norway!


Netflix was recently released in Norway, and I’ve been watching lots of TV shows in the background while surfing and doing other stuff on the computer (even while playing games!) Although there was an article in the Norwegian newspaper criticizing the terms of use for Netflix, stating that you’re not allowed to sue them or so, I’m not too worried. Maybe I’m not paranoid enough…

The other most common complaint I see from other users is that it does not have the newest seasons of the popular TV shows. However, there are lots of somewhat older shows that I haven’t watched yet, so watching them should keep me occupied for quite a while. I might also subscribe to HBO Nordic once that service is available in Norway, though I guess the only show there I really am following is Game of Thrones.

All in all, I am pretty happy with Netflix so far, and will probably keep the subscription after the free month is over!

Since my last blog post I haven’t done much travelling, except I went on a cottage trip with my family.


It was cozy and relaxing, though somewhat boring, wasn’t so much to do there. They did have a sauna and an outdoors whirlpool, but the whirlpool wasn’t really that impressive, and the sauna was very small and strangely designed. Instead of having two sets of benches shaped like “stairs”, one of the benches was placed directly above the other, like a bunk bed… I tried to lie on top, but it felt uncomfortable because it felt like if I was careless when climbing down, I’d slip and fall on top of the sauna oven.

I tried taking 3D photos again on this trip with the 3DS, and the photos and videos does work nicely on my 3D computer monitor. But the quality is absolutely horrendous! I’m thinking of buying an actual 3D camera. Unfortunately they never got all that popular, so there aren’t any new models. Well I guess an old model is okay as long as I can find someone selling it…

Although I’ve not been travelling much, Anna and Jun Wen came to visit one weekend, so we walked around Oslo and had dinner together. Kakee also visited. It occurs to me that I forgot take any photos with them again! I always forget to take photos when visiting or being visited by friends, I almost don’t have any new photos of me with any of my friends. Sucks. My friends might have some photos, but I also forget to ask them about it. *sigh* Well just to add a photo, here’s one from a dinner I had with Kakee at T.G.I. Friday’s in Oslo:

Jack Daniel’s Sampler: shrimp, chicken strips and pork ribs. Edited with Color Splash FX.

We had something called the Iron Game at A.L.I.V.E., where we were running around a shopping center doing tasks to get points. It was quite fun! Although somewhat embarrassing. My team didn’t win, but got a good second place.

I have been trying to play through the games I’ve got and not buy new ones, the last two months I finished Crysis 2 (didn’t like it as much as the first one, though playing in 3D was neat), Assassin’s Creed 2 (great game! Started playing on Brotherhood too now.), Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (bought it mostly because it was cheap, kind of fun to play through Final Fantasy songs, but don’t really feel all that compelled to keep playing after playing the “final boss”), Zelda: The Minish Cap (one of the free games I got because I bought the 3DS early. Tried to get 100% completion on it, but apparently I missed the light arrows…), ICO & Shadow of the Colossus (really liked these two games, even though the graphics do seem somewhat dated. PS3 3D worked on my 3D monitor!), and I finally beat Another World on my phone (turns out the reason I got stuck is because I tried to go somewhere before I had finished everything I was supposed to do in an earlier area) and Battleheart (turns out the boss I got stuck at was the final boss! Managed to take it down after grinding a bit more).


Currently I’m unreasonably addicted to Space Pirates and Zombies that I got off Humble Bunde 6. (The current Humble Bundle is actually for some e-books and comics, in case you’re interested. Still three days left as of now.)

SPAZ is an indie space shoot’em-up RPG, where you start out with access to only really weak space ships. To get access to more ship designs you need to destroy certain amounts of that ship type. Each ship type have different “equipment slots” allowing you to equip different kinds of weapons and upgrades. There’s a slot type that can only be used for cannon/beam type weapons, one for launcher/rockets and one for bombs/mines, for example. You can buy weapon and upgrade designs from space stations, once you’ve bought a design you can use it as many times as you want. As you gain levels you can upgrade different stats (research) like cannon, launcher, armor, shields, and these stats are also important because certain weapon/upgrade designs require higher levels of that stat to equip. (Hence the reason I call it a RPG, even though their website never uses that term.) And you can have 2 – 4 different space ships in play at the same time (depending on how far you’ve gotten in the story).

Admittedly, the graphics are decent but not ground-breaking, the music and missions are quite repetitive, and the story is hardly particularly unique or deep. I guess what I like about the game is how I can customize each space ship, and trying to get new (and bigger) ship designs from other enemies. It feels great whenever you get a new ship and can try it out!

Oh also there are “zombies” in this game that can take over your ship if you’re not careful. Kinda annoying when that happens. And since we’re talking about zombies: I’ve been watching “The Walking Dead” on Netflix. Unfortunately Netflix in Norway only has the first season (only six episodes? Whyyyyy??)


Posted by on 2012-10-20 in Rambling

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