Category Archives: Rambling

Gourmet Sandwiches and Games

I recently saw someone posting the “A Sandwich For Every Day of the Month” poster on Facebook, and decided that I wanted to actually try each one of them (or at least as many as I can). Because reading all kinds of great ideas on the internet is of little use unless you try at least some of them right? So far I’ve tried 6 of them, though not all the attempts turned out looking as good as on that poster. But they did mostly taste great!

Grilled eggplant with mozarella, tomato, parmesan and basil

Grilled eggplant with mozarella, tomato, parmesan and basil. One of my “better-looking” attempts.

Watched Iron Man 3 a few weeks ago. It was a great movie and I think better than the first two Iron Man movies, though not as spectacular as The Avengers. Two of the movie trailers before the Iron Man 3 movie was for other Marvel movies, The Wolverine and Thor: The Dark World. With that, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 coming up, I must say that Marvel is doing rather well lately. Kind of curious whether DC Comics will be able to “catch up” at all, with only the new Batman movies being successful. I haven’t really heard much hype for the Man of Steel movie, and I’m not even sure if their Justice League movie project is dead or not. Oh well.

Iron Man 3

Bought a few games last month:

Paper Mario: Sticker Star

Paper Mario: Sticker Star

This one is really quite an enjoyable game! Nintendo has a quirky sense of humor in their RPG-style Mario games that is fun to read. And the game is also surprisingly difficult, there are a few puzzles that took me a few plays to get. But it’s also a good thing, it does mean that the stages are actually quite varied. Even though the game is set up with a world map with stages (like Super Mario World), not every stage is just about running from one end to another.

One stage makes you find your way through a forest where some of the exits takes you back to the start of the stage, kind of like the Lost Woods in the Zelda games. Another one is set up like a game show, where you have to answer questions and solve challenges quickly to not lose all your health.

You don’t need to play the stages in a strict order either. Three of the levels are available after the start scenes, and you can to a certain degree play them in any order. Though some of the stages require you to find special stickers in order to progress. In any case, I am enjoying playing this game.

Persona 4: Golden

The PSVita really feels like it has dried up when it comes to games. This game is actually a remake of a PS2 game, but I’ve heard lots of great things about it (and about the Persona series in general). Will probably play it once I finish Sticker Star.

Persona 4: Golden

Assassin's Creed: RevelationsAssassin’s Creed: Revelations

I didn’t actually buy this game, just borrowed it from a friend. It’s not a bad game, but as with the previous games, I still kinda feel like the side quests end up distracting from the main story. And I’ve also found out that I really, really hate tower defense by now. (I suck at that part of the game…)

The PS3 version have 3D support, but it’s some kind of “fake” 3D, where they just render the graphics “flat” first, then add 3D with post-processing (using the depth information in the game, so it’s at least somewhat accurate). Still it doesn’t look nearly as good as when the graphics are actually rendered once for each “eye”.But it’s not a bad game. I do like the battle system/mechanics in the game, and it’s mostly enjoyable whenever you manage to complete a mission by using some cool maneuver. I still am not very good at using every gadget that he has though.

Darksiders II

The first game wasn’t good enough for me to really want to play the second one, I only bought this because it was on sale on Humble Bundle. The 3D works all right though it still has the problem with the sides of the screen not fully rendering. Just played through the intro and left it on hold for now.

Tomb Raider

I bought the collector’s edition of this game, I must admit mainly because it comes with a Play Arts figure. So the limbs can be moved for making poses, and the figure comes with various weapons and replacement hands for holding the weapons. Which makes this collector’s edition at least somewhat more interesting than the previous collector’s editions I’ve bought. (I guess the Skyward Sword’s special edition Wiimote is still the most useful one though.)

Anyways, I must say the game has gotten quite cinematic. Yet it is less linear than say Uncharted, because you can actually go back to the old stages to look for collectibles, in order to get experience for unlocking skills and upgrades. While the story isn’t original enough to make me want to play just to get the rest of the story (like Bioshock Infinite), it does have some mystery elements.

The game looks amazing and works great with nVidia 3D Vision! It has “native” 3D support, so unlike games that just rely on nVidia’s own 3D support, the game is mostly rendered correctly and fully even in 3D mode. The movie cutscenes are in 2D, but regular rendered cutscenes are in 3D and there are more of those so far. In any case, I’m happy to have a game that works great in 3D!

Tomb Raider Collector's Edition

Cut the Rope: Time Travel

I do quite enjoy the Cut the Rope games. The stages are short enough that you can play the game whenever you have a few minutes, yet each stage is varied enough that you don’t feel like you’re doing exactly the same all the time (*cough*Angry Birds*cough*). So when I saw they had a new game out, I bought it for my phone this time. (The previous ones were bought on the iPad, which I don’t really bring with me much anymore.)

Cut the Rope: Time Travel


Man, it’s quite a list once I start listing them up. I must admit I just buy humble bundles without even considering what the games are, just to get them on Steam. So most of those games I don’t really plan to play unless I somehow “run out of other games to play”. Which is probably never. Hmm did I already write that earlier? Meh.

In other news, I “modded” an old wall lamp into a Bioshock Infinite lamp.

Bioshock Infinite lamp

My cheap Bioshock Infinite lamp

Oh also today after church we went to a friend’s place to make dumplings. Making dumpling doughDumplings!


Posted by on 2013-05-12 in Rambling

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Hong Kong and Taiwan

I went to Hong Kong and Taiwan with my parents the last two weeks of March this year, had a good time eating and shopping! It seems like spring is a perfect time for going to Hong Kong since it’s warm but not too hot. At least the first week – the second week was rainy and kinda chilly though.

Siu Mei and bunny bun

Siu mei and bunny bun bought at a night market in Kaohsiung

Went sightseeing in random places in Kaohsiung and Taipei, and didn’t really do much sightseeing in Hong Kong since we were there for such a short time. Spent most of the time seeing my parents’ friends and shopping.

Strawberry (sweet and sour) ribs!

Strawberry (sweet and sour) ribs

Mostly bought two pairs of shoes and clothes. But only because some of my older shoes have started falling apart. I need to make myself throw them away and only use the new shoes. Also bought some snacks, some computer stuff and a few things that I thought were funny/cute.

Bought a new lid for my coffee/tea cup because the one I used before stopped sitting properly on the cup

Bought a new lid for my coffee/tea cup because the one I used before stopped sitting properly on the cup


I finished playing through Dead Space 3, also the story DLC “Awakened”. I must say that it’s mostly correct that it’s not really much of the horror feel of the first game left, it’s really much more an action game now. While it did have a few jump scares that got me, it just doesn’t quite feel like the first game where you would walk around in suspense because you have no idea what would happen next. Though I guess it might be harder to surprise people in the sequels since the players already know about most of the monsters and what happened before…

Isaac Clarke needs a new job

“I need a new job.”

Still, it’s kind of interesting to see where the story goes, even though the ending is somewhat sad. And then I played the DLC, where the ending was even worse. Kind of reminds me of Prince of Persia (2008). Well I guess now I’ll probably buy Dead Space 4 if it comes out, no matter how many people say that EA has ruined the game, just to see if Isaac will ever get a break.

Ni No Kuni took surprisingly long to finish! I thought I was almost finished about 35 hours into the game, but I was completely wrong. I think the save for my finished game was about 60 hours. Not counting the couple of times I died and didn’t want to save I guess. Anyways the story was enjoyable and quite Ghibli-like.

Ni No Kuni cutscene screenshot

“Not another monster encounter! The last one almost killed us!”

My biggest gripe with the game is the difficulty… Even after I thought I had “leveled up” quite a bit, I still got my ass kicked whenever I finished an area and went to a new one! The helper characters AI isn’t really helping much either, tending to spend all the MP on spells so that they don’t have any left for healing when needed. Oh I already wrote a bit about this in the last post. Yeah the boss battles weren’t the only battles that were difficult in any case.

Started playing Bioshock Infinite now too, it really looks quite good, and the story is very good! I really want to continue playing because I want to find out the reasons/answers to some of the mysteries in the game.

Elizabeth, the girl you're trying to kidnap in the game.

Elizabeth, the girl you’re trying to kidnap in the game.

I wish the game would work with Nvidia 3D Vision but as far as I have found out online there is no real way to get it to work properly. Oh well, it’s not as if I ever complained when I played Ni No Kuni and it didn’t have 3D either. Still, the graphics are so well designed in Bioshock Infinite that I would’ve loved to see it in 3D!

Went to Bergen last weekend too, it was nice meeting friends there and eating with them. We watched Oblivion, which has nothing to do with Elder Scrolls, but has Tom Cruise saving the world from aliens again. The story had some twists some of which I already guessed from watching the trailer, but some other twists were slightly unexpected. Still, I kind of feel like the movie tried to get a happy ending in a way that was too forced or too “simple”. It was okay entertainment, slightly smarter than most generic action movies but still taking storytelling shortcuts.

Oblivion Movie screenshot

Microsoft PixelSense? (Formerly Microsoft Surface, before they decided to use that name for their tablet instead.)

I have also spent a lot of time watching YouTube lately instead of trying to catch up on 24 on Netflix. Been watching Strip Search (a reality show where web cartoonists compete against each other, created by Penny Arcade), PewDiePie‘s playthrough videos (mostly the Pixel Horror series) and also various Geek and Sundry shows. Maybe I should reconsider my Netflix subscription… Though I did watch a few movies so I guess at least I haven’t left it completely unused. Still watching Gintama a lot on Crunchyroll.

I considered subscribing to HBO Nordic to watch Game of Thrones, but in the end it just doesn’t feel like it’s worth it because the subscription model doesn’t allow for flexible pausing/resuming your subscription. It’s just too expensive subscribing just to watch one show. Maybe I’ll wait for the DVDs/Blurays and buy those instead. *sigh*


Posted by on 2013-04-14 in Rambling

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Finally bought a bigger desk!

I finally got around to buying a proper desk for my bedroom. Earlier I had just been using a tiny desk that I bought because a larger one wouldn’t completely fit in the room I lived in before at my brother’s apartment.

My old desk. Also some manga.

My old tiny desk. Also some manga.

My new desk with monitor stand. And some books.

My new bigger desk with monitor stand. And some books.

The desk is an IKEA GALANT workdesk that can  be raised and lowered electrically, so I can stand while computing instead of sitting all the time. They sell different sizes of that desk, but the larger ones would be too big to fit in my bedroom. The monitor stand was inspired by this post at IKEA Hackers, except I had to use a bigger shelf to fit both monitors. It’s basically some CAPITA shelf legs mounted on an EKBY JÄRPEN shelf. I’m quite happy with it so far! I can also now push my keyboard under the monitor stand when I need to use my desk for other things (like dinner).

At first wasn’t sure how much I’d bother to keep standing and I wondered if I’d just end up keeping the table lowered all the time. But I’ve found that I really don’t mind standing for maybe an hour or so at a time, since I usually sit most of the time when at work and when playing console games in front of the TV.

Lightning Returns

Speaking of games, I finished Final Fantasy XIII-2 a while ago. (Meaning that I got to the normal ending.) The ending was rather disappointing, and without spoiling too much, is pretty much just a “To be continued”. I did end up hearing about the upcoming sequel (Lightning Returns) before even starting to play XIII-2, but I still didn’t expect the game to end like that! Oh well, I guess I’ll be buying the sequel to see the rest of the story, even if not necessarily on release day. I do think I enjoyed the second game a bit more than the first because it’s a bit more open than the first game’s “narrow corridor” chapters. While I don’t think I’m going to bother finding all the fragments, I may try to get the paradox (special non-canon) endings if I ever get tired of playing all the other games I’ve bought lately.

The Wizard Edition of the game comes with a hardcover edition of the "Wizard's Companion" book that is in the game.

The Wizard Edition of the game comes with a hardcover edition of the “Wizard’s Companion” book that is in the game. The book in the game itself starts with many pages missing and gains pages over the course of the story.

Right now I’m playing Ni No Kuni, the J-RPG made by Level-5 and Studio Ghibli. It’s quite nice playing a game with a light-hearted story after playing through XIII-2, and it really does feel like playing through a Studio Ghibli movie! But man, some of the boss battles are quite hard. I don’t particularly mind the real-time battle system, but the partner A.I. isn’t really that helpful… I’m starting to wonder if it’d be better to set the A.I. to just stay away from the battle unless I control them directly, because even when I set them to “Healing”, they will sometimes send a magic user character in to fight a boss character in close range…

Dead Space 3

I also bought Dead Space 3. A common complaint is that the Dead Space series is becoming more and more like an action game instead of a horror game, and I do agree after playing through half an hour or so. But I still got a few jump scares during that half hour, so it’s not all bad. Anyways it’s really amazing to play the game in 3D. Had to add a custom-made patch for some effects to work properly in 3D, and the game also crashed once requiring a restart before I could get it to work again. (I can see why some people say that console gaming is better than PC gaming…) But after getting it to work, it really looks great! Haven’t played so far yet so not much else to say about this game for now.

Corpse Party

Other games I finished last month are Corpse Party: Blood Covered and Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (1 and 2, so to say). This game series is a Japanese visual novel type of horror games for PSP / PS Vita, with most of the horror parts being described by text rather than visually. Though there are a few anime/manga-style CGI still images during certain parts of the games, some of them quite gruesome. The games also feature full Japanese voice acting and binaural sound. Meaning that if you play the games with headsets, you can to a certain degree hear voices coming from all around you. And sometimes whispering right into one of your ears…

Still, being visual novel games, there are parts of the games where progress might seem slow. Especially in the second game, Book of Shadows, which is more of a pure visual novel than the first one, which had more of an “adventure game” feel to it. So if you don’t really like reading in games, you probably won’t like these games, even if you’re a horror fan.

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia and Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth vol. 4. Bottle for size comparison.

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia and Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth vol. 4. Bottle for size comparison.

Other than that I’ve bought some books and mangas, as you also could see in the first few images in this post. The book The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia was bigger than I first imagined, and contains artwork and some trivia for all Zelda games, though a majority of the book is about the last game, Skyward Sword. The Ace Attorney mangas contain stories separate from the games, and are a great return to the series while waiting for Ace Attorney 5, Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney and Miles Edgeworth 2 to be released (in English, if ever…)

I finished all 4 seasons of Dexter on Netflix (Norway), they don’t have more seasons available for now (which suits me fine since I feel like I’ve gotten a bit tired of the series). Currently watching Terra Nova. Also I subscribed to a trial of Crunchyroll, because Gintama is awesome.


Posted by on 2013-02-09 in Rambling

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