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Happy birthday to me!

It’s my birthday today! Ended up not having any party, but I celebrated with my family on Friday and kinda on Saturday and Sunday too, so it was nice. Got a nice coat from my mother, and Wii Fit Plus from Leon!

10100297_MARVIN-WOOL-COAT_BLACK_JACKETS_A Wii-Fit-Plus-Balance-Board-box1

Wii Fit Plus is just the same game, but with more minigames. It’s pretty fun! And once I get it transported back to my apartment, I might use it to track my weight… Right now I’m just tracking it in some Excel sheets (but with graphs showing me how much I have not improved at all!)

Last week I got the DPT vaccine shot for diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, and the Twinrix vaccine shot for hepatitis A and B. Made my arm hurt for a few days, but nothing serious. Got it because we might be going to Malaysia (from Hong Kong) in Christmas! Couldn’t get the swine flu vaccine, apparently there aren’t enough vaccines in Norway. Pretty crazy. But I’m not too worried, since they say the swine flu still isn’t really a lot more dangerous than a normal flu.

Had a family party last weekend, played some XBox 360 games with Misin and Douglas. Played some brain training multiplayer game, it was pretty fun, don’t remember the name though. Then we played some Mario Party 8 on the Wii! And some Borderlands, although that was mostly me and Vilhelm playing. I don’t really like playing normal XBox 360 games on their 26″ TV though, can’t even read the text properly… They need a new TV! Maybe I should just buy them one for Christmas, although there’d still be the problem of having enough space to put a larger TV. And the fact that I need to start paying back on my house loan soon. And that I’ll probably spend at least some money in Hong Kong. Ah well, I’ll think about it later.

Moved the furniture around a bit in my bedroom in the beginning of this week. Originally I did it because I wanted to set up a wall heater that came with the house. But I couldn’t find the metal rack for hanging up the oven. =/ I got a heater on wheels from my parents instead though, so I don’t have to search around to find a matching metal rack. But I still left the room like it was after I moved things around. Now I almost got a bit more space for my chair to roll away from the desk! (Except the drawer on the right still blocks it a little.)

Bedroom version 2

Also visited my IT-boss/coworkers apartment. Had pizza and apple pie/cake! He had a cool desk that he could lift and lower using a button, so he could stand and use the computer when he doesn’t feel like sitting. I should probably get something similar so I don’t sit so much all the time at home… He also had a monster PC that was about twice the size of a normal tower PC! I want too! Then maybe I could use a higher resolution on my newly bought PC games!

I already finished Mirror’s Edge, it was pretty short. But it was fun while it lasted! Except when I had to play through the same places 10-20 times because I kept getting shot to death or falling down and dieing on a difficult jump. Don’t think I’m gonna bother with the time trial, I’ve got other games to play. I think I’ll go play a bit more on Mass Effect before going to bed today. 😀


Posted by on 2009-11-22 in Uncategorized

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Back from Gothenburg

Was in Gothenburg last weekend (Thursday to Sunday), had an enjoyable time being with friends and doing a little bit of shopping. On Friday we went to Connie’s house after doing some shopping, and played some Guitar Hero. Then went to fetch Minh Thu and Monica at the bus station.

Guitar Hero at Connie's place 

Saturday was more shopping plus cooking dinner (well, Jenny did most of the cooking) at the youth hostel that we stayed at. Also met Catherine!

Chop chop

On Sunday we went to church and joined the youth meeting.


I didn’t buy as much candy as I wanted to, because I spent more time meeting with people and wandering around town, but I guess it’s ok. I ended up buying Mirror’s Edge, Dead Space and Far Cry 2 for the PC. (I said I wouldn’t buy more games untill I finished many of those I already have, but, uh, they were on sale!) Also bought Dominion: Intrigue and Dominion: Seaside. Oh, also bought a scale, so now I can keep statistics over my weight together with my exercising data. In the end I might’ve used even more money than the others who mostly bought clothes. (Except Enoch, who bought both clothes and lots of games from Jocke…)

Mirror's Edge

Went to my parents house for dinner today, played some Dominion: Intrigue with my brothers. Also turns out Vilhelm also ordered Mirror’s Edge for the XBox 360. Too bad, oh well. Already started playing it on the PC, so I guess I’ll probably keep playing it there. Even though I too do prefer playing on the XBox since my laptop isn’t really *that* powerful, so I have to play with lower graphical details…


Posted by on 2009-11-06 in Uncategorized

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Finally got my stuff from DealExtreme, also the t-shirts I won!

Stuff that I got from DealExtreme, plus some t-shirts I won

I ordered some stuff from DealExtreme in the middle of September, but didn’t get them before now, one and a half month later… It looks like they had some trouble last month, many other people complained about not getting stuff. I don’t mind waiting, since I usually only order stuff from them that I’m not in a hurry to get. But it’d be annoying if they ended up bankrupt or so, and I lost my money. Not that I spent a lot, I still keep my purchases under the 200NOK limit in order to avoid having to pay import tax/duty on it.

The UFO-looking thing is an “AutoSweep“, similar to the RoboMop you can buy at Clas Ohlson in Scandinavia. Except it cost about 1/4 of the price. The steel soap also cost roughly 1/4 of the price, and the pen holder thing is actually a travel chopstick/fork/spoon set. Then there’s another one of the lightsaber flashlight thingies that I love! Decided to put this one on my bag untill I get annoyed of having it swinging around while I’m walking. Still waiting for my stapleless stapler, but I’m not in a hurry to staple anything. Oh well…

The t-shirts are from a Wolverine contest (or more like a lottery), I got the third place. Been a while since I won anything! I put them through the washer before using them, have finally learned to remember doing that. Might take photos of them later, although they aren’t really *that* cool.

Mass Effect

Haven’t done much the last few weeks, spent much time playing Mass Effect, which is pretty cool, with all the voice acted cutscenes and RPGish skill trees and equipment. I found out that I still suck at first person shooting games though. And I have some trouble with the “don’t shoot too much too quickly or you’ll overheat the weapon” part. But other than that, I kind of enjoyed the game so far. Will play a bit more later, just thought I haven’t blogged in a while.

Got a letter back from my doctor, stating that I lack Vitamin D, and it might be the reason I get sleepy? I’ve bought Vitamin D supplements now, the doctor will see if I get better after taking them for a few weeks. I also ordered vaccinations for, hmm, various stuff, for going to Hong Kong and Malaysia this Christmas. But they didn’t have any vaccine for swine flu left though. Don’t really worry about a flu anyways. I better get the habit of actually using the hand cleaning alcohol thing before eating though, I keep forgetting to use it, even while I was still in Hong Kong (last Christmas).

I’m going to Gothenburg this weekend with Enoch and Tore, also I heard Monica and Maggie are joining! Looking forward to it, and I also need to refill my candy supply. I actually do like shopping! Although sometimes I worry way too much about price. Sometimes, spending 10 minutes to decide whether to buy something just because it’s 5-10kr more expensive just is a waste of time. Anyways, it’ll be a warmup before going to Hong Kong, I guess.

Now, video game time!


Posted by on 2009-11-02 in Uncategorized

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