Category Archives: Uncategorized

Norway FTW!

I didn’t really follow the Eurovision Song Contest much, but I watched most of the finals, mostly because I was skyping with a friend who then said she’d go and watch the contest. So I decided to turn on the TV to have the contest as background noise while doing dishes and other house work. It was kind of fun watching Norway crush the other finalists when voting started I guess, but most of the songs just seemed pretty generic. *shrugs*

May 17th was okay, went out a bit with the youth group, talked with Tina who’d been studying in Bournemouth for a year and finally came back to Oslo. (She did come back for Christmas, but then I was in Hong Kong.) Then we went to my parents house for barbeque (had to find a bus stop which wasn’t blocked off by the celebration parade), and we played some games and ate barbeque food. It was okay I guess.

Didn’t take any photos though… Well, here’s a random photo of some yummy cheese toasts I had for breakfast some time ago.


Oh, I went to the doctor last Friday for a general health check. Apparently I’m perfectly healthy! But the results from my blood samples aren’t here yet. I wanted to find out what exact kind of pollen allergy I had, and if I had any form for gluten or lactose intoleranse. Since I feel that I often have to go to the toilet after breakfast. But then again, maybe I just need to wash my hands more properly before eating with my hands.

Just for the sake of adding another photo, here’s a new one of my living room, with the new furniture and also curtains that I got from my parents:


I guess I’ll head to bed now, it’s getting late.


Posted by on 2009-05-18 in Uncategorized

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Bought more stuff, move in party

Finally bought a sofa and a carpet! Hmm, didn’t exactly take a photo of the sofa, but I ended up buying a beige Ektorp bed sofa from IKEA, and a white carpet. Now I’ve got most of the stuff I need, so I think I won’t be going to IKEA to buy anything for a while, probably. I might buy a microwave and maybe a new vacuum from Elkjøp. Although the vacuum I have now is working perfectly well, having a rechargable vacuum just seems a lot more convenient than having to deal with a power cord. (Actually the auto-retraction on the vacuum’s power cord isn’t working, so I’m using a velcro band to hold it when I store it…) But none of these are really important, so I guess I’ll buy those when I feel like it.

Had a move-in party on Sunday, with mostly people from the youth group. Forgot to take photos, although I took a video clip of us playing Bomberman with seven controllers. I should buy that eight controller some time. Bomberman is great fun! We played a bit Super Smash Bros Brawl too, which was quite fun too, although it only supports four players.

I also made curry and some sort of baked potatoes/pork steaks thing. And cheesecake! I still have cheesecake leftover. Have to try not to eat it all at once. Oh, I finally started exercising in the morning again. But that means I should probably start going to bed earlier too… Currently I’m trying to go through my photo albums to copy photos for the digital photo frame that I bought for my mother, but which I didn’t get before after her birthday. I just finished year 2000-2004 after roughly 3 days. Only five years left to go… *sigh*



Posted by on 2009-05-11 in Uncategorized

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Moving all around

Been busy moving to my new apartment lately, so I haven’t had time to sit down and blog. How do some people get time to blog almost every day? Well, I guess I’m probably too picky about how I write things, and I just tend to write too much when I first sit down to write.

As I wrote in my previous post, I got the keys for my new apartment on April 15th, a few days after I got back from the Easter camp. After that I’ve mostly been moving things, unpacking and washing the apartment. Usually the seller is supposed to wash the apartment before moving out, but he apparently was too slow moving out, and was still moving stuff when me and my father got there. But to compensate for that, I didn’t have to pay the last half of that month’s, uh, apartment costs (“rent”, but not really), plus I got a bunch of furniture that he didn’t need or want, two bottles of wine and some wine glasses. (Basically the stuff he hadn’t had time to move yet.) So I’m not complaining.

I got all these stuff on the balcony for free

He also sold me his oven and fridge for 2.000NOK, which was quite cheap, considering that buying something of similar metallic style new from the store would probably cost around 10.000NOK. The oven door was very dark with soot, it had apparently not been cleaned much (or at all). But I managed to scrub it clean, now it’s almost like new! The oven top has some scratches though, but at least that means I don’t need to worry about making it look worse.

The kitchen, before I had finished cleaning it up

I got a bunch of furniture from home. I moved my old desk, which fits quite well in front of my bedroom window. I also got an old armchair, quite comfy! Also I got a floor lamp. And I got a couple of tall chairs from home, and some matching chairs from my uncle, which are perfect for the “coffee table” outside the kitchen.


My uncle also gave me a glass closet for putting decoration items, I’ve mostly filled it with Kinder egg toys, figurines and various other toys. BTW, that gun is an old PC laser gun thing which I couldn’t get working anymore (since it was made for old Windows 3.1 computers…), so I eventually gave up, took away the cable and made it just a toy gun. I considered putting a laser pointer in it, but that would require modifying the plastic to hold the pointer in a way which worked with the gun’s buttons. I decided it was too much work and gave up.

Geek corner number 2

The latest things I bought is a somewhatly expensive work chair for my desk, a wardrobe for the entrance, where I could put my jackets and shoes, and a 52″ full HD LCD TV. I ended up going for LCD since it is supposedly better for computer connection and game consoles, which will probably be at least 80% or so of what I’m going to use it for.

Big TV, big box Ah, Mega Man 9, how I love and hate you!

You can see the side of the wardrobe next to/behind the TV. I went with a mirror door for the wardrobe, I think it turned out quite nice. Wooden doors were actually more expensive… The TV was so big I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get it out of the box. Eventually I realized that I only needed to remove the white plastic “locks” (you can see them near the bottom of the cardboard box), and then lift the cardboard up to remove the top. Then I managed to “tilt” the TV up on the wheel TV stand (that I also got from home). The TV was too big and heavy for me to just lift straight up, which is why I tilted it… I was slightly worried that I would drop the TV and break it, but I didn’t want to wait for my family to come over and help me lift it before I could test it out. Anyways, now that it’s on the wheel stand, I can roll it around and test it out in different locations without having to lift it, so it’s all good!

So yeah, now I’ve got most of the stuff I need for my new apartment! The things that I think I’m going to get next are a sofa (I’m probably going to buy a bed sofa, for guests), a microwave, and most importantly, proper internet. I’ll get it on Monday! Mobile broadband has worked quite well, but I think I prefer proper broadband (well, some people clain ADSL isn’t “real” broadband, but anyways).

Today is May 1st, and it’s quite sunny outside. In fact, I should probably head out and enjoy the sun! At least sit on the balcony. But I also really want to play more games on the TV… aaah, dilemma! That asides, I still have a lot of things on my todo-list that I haven’t had time to do because I’ve been busy moving. *sigh* Always so much to do… Well, better start doing some more stuff. At least I got a sudden vacation today! (I actually didn’t realize I had today off before my boss mentioned it at work yesterday. If I knew beforehand, maybe I would even have planned a trip somewhere… ah well, too late now.)


Posted by on 2009-05-01 in Uncategorized

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