Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dead Rising finished

Finished Dead Rising last weekend! Although the game was sometimes frustrating, especially some of the boss (psychopath) fights, beating the game wasn’t really as difficult as I had feared. I even got through overtime mode to get the "true ending" on my first playthrough! (I did eventually realize that I should reset the game if I got caught by the military so I wouldn’t waste too much time.) I mentioned in an earlier blogpost that maybe finishing the main story would be too difficult if I hadn’t played through the game a few times and leveled up a bit first, but Vilhelm said it shouldn’t be necessary, which turned out to be true.

Dead Rising 2 Time for Dead Rising 2?

I think the thing I regretted most about the game was that I always had to make sure I completed the main story cases (missions), so I never actually spent any time just exploring the mall. I started a new game just to walk around the mall a little, but I have other games to play, so I guess I’ll probably not play it again much. As for Dead Rising 2, I guess I didn’t really like Dead Rising enough to run out and buy the sequel straight away.

I did however buy Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition with TriOviz 3D glasses! I have wanted to buy this game for a long time, but I’m glad I didn’t buy it right away, since I could now get this version which has 3D glasses. The 3D effect isn’t too overwhelming, but it definitely works! The cheap paper TriOviz 3D glasses that came with the game look just like the regular red and cyan/green glasses that have been around for, what, 20-30 years now? (According to Wikipedia it has been around since 1853! Wow!) The difference is that they have used slightly different colors on the glasses.

Batman Arkham Asylum

Most noticable is the fact that the color filters on the 3D glasses aren’t as dark as normal red-cyan ones, so more colors are let through them. In fact, for the darker colors in the game, it really feels like the 3D glasses doesn’t affect the color too badly! But whenever there are any brighter colors in the game, I notice the colored tinting from the glasses. Still, it’s definitely better than the old red-cyan 3D glasses, and I could play the game for 2 or so hours without feeling my eyes getting tired. And even though it feels like the colors aren’t affected too badly, I guess they probably are a bit more washed out when using the 3D option. So I might want to try the game without 3D. But I will probably play it in 3D as long as I am not tired of it.

I went to my grandfather’s funeral last Friday. I wasn’t really that close to him though… but I guess it was touching to see my relatives being sad at the funeral. Met lots of relatives, but only managed to talk a little with them. I didn’t really talk much with my relatives in Hong Kong on my recent trip either. Kind of wish I could have talked more with my relatives, but I just don’t seem to have the energy for it.

On Saturday I went to help move some furniture, my uncle had found some free furniture at’s free section, and we were going to move those to a lady from church. It turned out one of the couches was too big to fit through her front door, so I got that couch instead. It’s quite comfy! And it replaced the not-really-a-couch-but-actually-a-bed-couch we had in the living room before, so it’s a nice improvement.

2011-01-18 22.20.55

I also preorded Dead Space 2 (PC version), which is actually the game I’ve been looking forward to the most! When ordering that I also ordered Dead Space Extraction (Wii game), since I figured that if I really want to call myself a fan of the series, I might as well buy that game too.

Dead Space 2 Dead Space Extraction

…yeah, I never learn. Even though I say I want to finish my games, I keep buying new ones. Well I do feel like I’ve been finishing games on a good pace lately, so it might not be so bad. My hope for this year is that by the end of the year, I will at least have finished all the games I bought before 2011! Oh yeah! Not counting iPad games, probably. I bought a bunch of iPad games when they were on XMas sale. Only 6 NOK (0.99 USD), how could I resist! But my iPad will probably be neglected as a gaming machine as soon as the 3DS is out.


Posted by on 2011-01-18 in Uncategorized

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Back from Hong Kong

Was almost 3 weeks in HK in Christmas and New Years! it was all right, though I got kinda sick the last week, which made me not really want to do anything. That sucked.

Can’t say I did anything really special in Hong Kong this year, just the usual: meeting relatives, eating a lot, some shopping. I didn’t really have anything in particular that I wanted to buy this year, so I mostly just bought random stuff that seemed cool. Oh, but Acer fixed my Acer Liquid for free (on the warranty), so now I’ve got an Android phone again! Yay!

Other than that, the most interesting thing I bought (in my opinion) might be the wireless PC gamepad, which is a bit more convenient than my wired one. Especially for gaming on the media center PC connected to my TV in the living room! I also bought lots of candy and chocolate (compared to previous years).

Anyways, some random photos:

2010-12-21 156
They’ve got vending machines for anything!

 2010-12-29 16.52.51
Very Bioshocky decor at Ocean Park

2010-12-22 157
Chinese version of juleribbe (Christmas pork ribs)

2010-12-23 164
Strawberries as big as apples! And super-expensive.

2010-12-31 15.26.27
"It’s-a me!"

2011-01-07 16.04.29
Lego USB hub. Darth Vader bought separately.


Posted by on 2011-01-08 in Uncategorized

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Dead Rising is pretty hard

I know I shouldn’t try to play the story missions on my first playthrough, but I’m so used to "try and get everything" when playing games, so I have a hard time refraining from following the story missions. I eventually gave up trying to rescue everyone though, and I believe I can’t rescue everyone if I want to follow the story anyways. But I guess that’s what I *should* be doing since that is the quicker way to level up.


Some thoughts about this game:

  • Yes, it’s true: Otis (the guy who keeps calling you) is annoying. Sometimes I try to attack while he’s talking, but it doesn’t work and I end up getting snacked on by zombies. And then he calls back and says I’m rude for suddenly hanging up. Huhuhu. I’m playing on a HDTV so I don’t have the problem with the phone text being too small to read though. Anyways since I’ve almost completely given up on rescuing people, I just ignore most of the phone calls anyways, unless I’m sure I’m safe.
  • All weapon items break rather too quickly in my opinion. I guess I’m not really supposed to try and kill every zombie in my path… still, it’d be nice if I didn’t have to replace the weapon every other minute.
  • I wish there were more savepoints.
  • I kind of suck in this game. I keep dying! Should probably work on leveling up a bit more, taking more photos, rescuing people, etc. Ah well. I’ll probably get to a point where I’m way too underpowered to complete the next story mission, forcing me to give up on the story to work on leveling up instead.


Oh, I had my birthday party last Saturday (Nov 20), it was pretty cozy. Had some friends over for dinner, talking and some games and karaoke. I cooked an entrecĂ´te steak that I got from my father, it turned out quite good! Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of it, though Leon took some photos I think. I also made an ice cream cake, that I remembered to photograph only after I cut a few pieces of it.

Ice cream cake with coconut cake layer on the bottom

We had dinner with my family on my actual birthday and also the day after that, it was cozy too, and my mother seemed to like the ice cream cake too. I also got some nice gifts from my friends: A shirt, a scarf, an electric shaver and some chocolate. Also a portable Othello game. Yum chocolate! *eats one*


And I gave blood yesterday, got another umbrella since I don’t know where the first one went… Might have lent it out to someone and forgotten about it, or I might have just left it somewhere. So I got another one. In case I break my "travel" one.

By the way I also beat the final episode of Sam and Max: Season 1 last week! I managed to do it without cheating (looking at a walkthrough) this time. These games are really only for those who like those kind of games. (Point and click adventures.) Because once you’re stuck, it feels quite frustrating.


I also started playing some indie games:

  • Super Mario Bros X: It’s a fan-made Mario game, which includes elements from almost all Mario games, including the US/EU Super Mario 2. Meaning the game actually has both normal powerups (fire flowers, ice flowers, Yoshi) and also has Shyguys that you have to pick up and/or throw things at. The physics in the game feels very close to "the real thing", except that some characters use their Mario 2 movements (Toad and Princess Peach), which makes movement feel slightly awkward because they can’t slide on hills.
    The game also has a two-player split-screen mode, but I haven’t tried that with anyone yet.
  • An Untitled Story: This is a Metroid-style exploration type game and it’s actually rather difficult. The game has very simple graphics that seriously looks like it was made with MSPaint, and the music is at times grating. But the gameplay is reasonably solid, and there are tons of hidden powerups, mostly additional health. Which you are going to need, because some rooms requires fairly accurate jumping to get past without taking damage!


My iPad finally got iOS 4.2(.1)! It adds a bunch of features that I had been looking forward to:

  • Folders
  • Support for the next/previous song buttons on my Bluetooth headset
  • Searching for text in webpages in Safari (though this crashed when searching in long websites, for example game walkthroughs…)
  • Multitasking (though it doesn’t seem to be real multitasking? Some apps just seem to reset when I switch away and then back to them. So it’s kind of like Android, it only works when the app supports it.)
  • Norwegian keyboard (I’ve found that I still try to hold the o and a buttons to get Norwegian letters because I’m so used to it by now. Bah.)


I like the iPad quite a lot, but I do feel somewhat frustrated by the limitations. I can’t do normal file transfer, but have to use iTunes, meaning I have to connect via a PC to add photos from a camera/phone. I bought a cheap copy of the iPad Camera Connection Kit, but it turns out support for the connection kit was broken with iOS 4.2. At first I thought it didn’t work because it was a cheap copy. Oh well, I hope they fix that soon… Still, this would only fix the limitation for photos, I still wouldn’t be able to freely move music or videos around.

What I do like about the iTunes music connectivity is that it syncs the number of times I’ve played or skipped a song. I plan to use that to clean up my song collection further. (Remove songs I don’t really like anymore.) Have just barely started to do the cleaning up though.

That asides, I mostly use the iPad as an internet device, for which it works excellently. I don’t miss Flash much at all when using it, and a lot of video websites have added HTML 5 video support anyhows, so those actually work. Working on it is not that easy though, I prefer normal keyboards for typing.


Argh, I wrote a lot again. Even though I have written many times that I should post more often instead of dumping out my thoughts out in a big blurb, I just never seem to be able to do that. Well I’ll end this post here in any case.


Posted by on 2010-11-28 in Uncategorized

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