Category Archives: Uncategorized

Beat Wind Waker, hooray!

Last weekend I decided I wanted to beat Wind Waker no matter what. I just barely managed to do it on Sunday night, even though I decided to ignore the rest of the sidequests. By now I’m rather convinced it must be some sort of bug. Those times when I could get treasures, it seems that I could hit it even if I was off-target, but sometimes it would be impossible to hit the treasure no matter how close I was to it.

Enough about treasures. The ending was all right, and actually I almost felt bad for Ganondorf for the pitiful face he was making while explaining why he wanted to destroy the world. And he got stabbed in the face with a longsword! That’s gotta hurt. I can’t believe this is a game for kids.

TreasureChart20  windwaker
Stupid treasures.                      This wallpaper is pretty cool.

Three weeks since I updated my blog huh. Well I’ll try and summarize some of the stuff I’ve been doing.

For Stella’s birthday I made an attempt on layered cheesecake. Just followed the standard recipe, but mixed half of the filling with chocolate (powder). I tried to wait untill each layer stiffened before adding the next layer, but that was too tedious and probably unnecessary. I also forgot to use less water in the jelly, which is the reason why it’s so thick. But it was not necessarily a bad thing, it didn’t fall apart when cutting the cake as I feared it might.


We also went out to eat on her birthday, went to a tapas restaurant, I think it was San Leandro. The place was interestingly different, with tall tables and chairs giving a bar-like feeling. The food however didn’t really feel that special. At least it didn’t feel like it was worth the rather stiff price. (I think we paid 250 NOK per person.) I prefer heartier meals for that price, like a steak or so. At least we got a big plate of fried (or baked?) potatoes though.

4th – 7th November I went to Stockholm to visit Yann again and to go to Gamex. Only went there one day, it was fun but too small to be worth going more days, unless you actually want to spend lots of time playing the demo games. I tried out Kirby: Epic Yarn, which was more difficult than I thought (read: I sucked). But it looked quite nice, I liked the various effects that made the clotheslike background really look like it’s made of cloth! I will probably buy this game even if it might be short. Other than that, there weren’t really that many games there that I truly looked forward to. Oh, I did buy a wallet. It looked cool and seemed to be quite good quality, so I bought it even though it wasn’t exactly cheap (200 SEK).

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I also had a dinner with my relatives in Stockholm, since I helped them buy an unlocked iPhone 4 from Norway. They made "bibimbap", a Korean dish/meal. Never heard that name or tried Korean food besides Korean barbeque before. It’s basically a bunch of mostly cold prepared vegetables and sliced meat, but they added some other cooked meat to make a fuller meal. It was good in any case, I got quite full!

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Last weekend most of the youth went to Gothenburg to participate in a missions/evangelization training "camp". I decided not to go, honestly because I didn’t really want to talk to people much. I don’t mind talking with people once in a while, but since the whole focus of this camp was on talking with people and sharing the gospel, I didn’t feel like going. It’s too bad, I would’ve liked going to Gothenburg to visit friends again…

Instead I stayed at home and spent almost all the weekend playing and eventually finishing Wind Waker. Which I wrote about at the beginning of this blogpost. Next up is probably Dead Rising! But I will need to take some time to clean my house and plan the food for my birthday party this Saturday.


Posted by on 2010-11-15 in Uncategorized

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Too many sidequests in Wind Waker

I remember thinking that there are too few sidequests in the newest DS versions of Zelda. But now I’ve found that there are too many sidequests in Wind Waker. It never ends! Also I managed to grab a lot of sunken treasures before, but now I’m suddenly unable get any sunken treasures, even after going back and forth and dropping the chain rope thing a dozen times! Stupid sunken treasures. Phantom Hourglass treasure hunting was so much easier.

I was trying to look up some treasure hunting screenshot, but I found this pretty nice photo instead. I don’t know who the cosplayer is though. Couldn’t find the origin for this photo, just a bunch of blogs who had used it.

Zelda cosplay

Went to church yesterday for the “dugnad”. I mainly changed some lightbulbs and helped putting rubber strips on the windows to make it not leak so much cold air in. I think it helped a bit, because even though we hadn’t turned on the heaters today, it still wasn’t as cold as it was a few days ago. Or maybe it’s wishful thinking, I want it to work because I don’t want to think that we wasted all that work. *shrugs* I’m glad quite a few youth came and helped, in any case!

I’m planning to go to Gamex in Stockholm November 4-7. Though Yann said that her friends mentioned that since the games showed on Gamex will come out in a month or so anyways, it might not be worth it to pay to go to that game show just to try those games out. I guess that’s true… *shrugs* Well I’m still thinking about going. What I really wish is that they would show the 3DS there, but it hasn’t been mentioned on their website so I guess it’s not a certainty. Still, at least they’ll celebrate Mario’s 25th Anniversary. That might be fun!

Mario 25th Anniversary

Oh, also I’ve bought a few more games for the iPad:

  • Cut The Rope HD – A physics puzzle game based around cutting of ropes and feeding a cute little green creature. It’s quite cute and decent fun.
  • Game Dev Story – An RPG/simulation game where you try to make a successful game development company, by hiring people and deciding what kind of games you want to make. The most successful game I made on my first full playthrough (20 virtual years inside that game) was actually an Audiobook Dating game, with 3 sequels. Which just means that I did pretty badly on all the other games I tried making, but much of the reason is because I kept trying strange combinations “just for fun”. Ah well, got quite hooked while playing it, even though a lot of the game feels quite random. Might take a break now that I finished my first playthrough.
  • Predators – Bought it because it was cheap, but it’s a pretty generic action game. Kind of regret buying it. But I guess cutting people in half might work as some kind of stress relief.
  • Scott Pilgrim – Not really a game, but a comic book reader. I actually bought all 6 volumes of the Scott Pilgrim comic. It’s all right, but not really as geeky (video game geeky) as I originally thought. It’s a love story with a references to indie music and video games, but since I’m not into music at all I didn’t get many of the music references. Also there are a bunch of gay people. Though the comic doesn’t really make a lot out of it. But anyways. The story really has more focus on the relationship between people than on action, as one might think from the trailer of the movie. So it’s a good read. I think I can kind of relate with the main character, in how much he’s oftentimes oblivious to what other people are thinking or feeling.
  • Marble Mixer, Achtung and MultiPong – A marble flicking game, snake game and a pong game for up to 4 players. Bought these because they seemed pretty fun when Enoch was showing those games. They’re quite well-polished games.


Haven’t seen the Scott Pilgrim movie (or Predators) yet, not sure if I want to see Scott Pilgrim since I already know the story. Ah well.

Scott Pilgrim 3 Teaser
Although I said that there aren’t as many game references in the comic as I thought, it is actually quite a bit and they’re fun! I guess what I really mean is that the comic is a bit more serious than I thought at first. The above image is one of the wallpapers from the Scott Pilgrim website.


Posted by on 2010-10-24 in Uncategorized

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Surrounded by sound

I finally bought a surround system for my lliving room, set it up a few weeks ago actually. The Logitech Z-5500 Digital 5.1 Speaker System was on sale at for NOK 1.999. Which might not sound so cheap to students and whatnot, but is a lot cheaper than a real surround system made for TV, which would’ve costed more than that just for the receiver.


Some drawbacks with buying a PC surround system is that (at least on this model) there is no HDMI input, so currently only the PC can send 5.1 signals to it. Though my only other surround-supporting hardware would be the XBox 360, since I don’t have digital TV here. Anyways I’ve ordered an optical converter for the XBox 360, so hopefully I can get surround from it too.

Tried watching a few movies with surround, and honestly, in most cases the surround isn’t really noticable. I’ve found that I get the most effect when I sit in the far back so I can hear the rear speakers clearly. Because then whenever they’re used for anything, I’ll hear the sound coming from my sides instead of just the front. When I sit in the actual middle of all speakers, I don’t notice the rear speakers as much, maybe because of my bad hearing.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerI’m Link, stealing your pigs!

I’ve gotten to the part where I have to go to two different temples to repower the Master Sword in Wind Waker. For now I’ve been travelling around collecting treasures and stuff though. I actually managed to do the “water all the saplings” sidequest on my first (real) try! The actual first time I tried I didn’t even know that I had to water them all at once, and I hadn’t gotten the cyclone/teleport spell yet so I only managed to water three of the eight saplings.

One thing I thought was kind of funny was that in the beginning of the game, I gave two pigs to one of the families. But when I got back later, there was only one fat pig left. So did he eat the other pig? I sure hope not. Well I guess a nicer version is that the family ate the other pig. No wait, that’s kind of cruel too, even though I eat pork all the time. It must’ve run away. Yeah, that must be it. The other fat pig ate all the food, so it got upset and left. *sniffles*

Besides playing games, I haven’t really done much in particular the past few weeks. Just tried to stay home as much as I can to play Wind Waker and other games. Was at my grandfathers birthday party with the whole family, but was kind of too tired/lazy to talk much with the rest of the family. That was actually before I wrote my previous blogpost too.

Oh, I tested out the sauna at work:

Chicken rotating inside a grill

No wait, that’s not the right photo.

Sauna girls

That one is a bit closer, although maybe it was more like this:

Old people in a sauna

OK anyways, random internet photos aside, I was the only one in the sauna, and I didn’t take any photos of myself half-naked. And my biggest complaint about the sauna at work was that there was no clock there! And I didn’t want to bring my phone to the sauna and risk ruining it, so I tried to keep the time by counting seconds in my head. Which made it a bit harder to relax than I would’ve wanted. I’ll have to ask if they could add some kind of wall clock or an hourglass to the sauna.

Oh and since I’m talking about work, I was actually at work today! Working on Saturdays is something I generally avoid, but they were having an “Open day“ at work, so I was there to make sure all the technical equipment worked well. Which it (mostly) did, which is a good thing. Got free lunch. And cake. And waffle. And soda. Felt slightly nauseous after all that sugar.

I’ll finish this post with some random Photoshop job I did because I felt like it.

Sheep versus cow



Posted by on 2010-10-16 in Uncategorized

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