Windows 8 First Impressions

I have now been using Windows 8 on my main computer at home for a few days. It seems to work quite smoothly, and when not taking the new Start screen into account, is not really that different from Windows 7.

Screenshot from my Windows desktop. You can dock new Win8 apps on the side even while using normal desktop mode! Although if you then start another Win8 app, it'll take over the rest of that monitor.

Screenshot from my Windows desktop. You can dock new Win8 apps on the side even while using normal desktop mode! Although if you then start another Win8 app, it’ll take over the rest of that monitor.

I’ve read that many people hate the Start screen and I also know there are lots of Start menu replacement programs that can be used to simulate the old Start menu. Personally I don’t really mind the new Start screen though.

The biggest reason is that since Windows XP, I have almost completely stopped using the Start menu for starting programs, instead using Launchy, a launcher app where you type name of the program you want to start, and it’ll start it. (Usually I only need to type the first 2-3 letters of the name before it finds the correct one.)

In Vista and Windows 7 I used the built-in search in the Start menu, and in Windows 8 the Start screen still has the same search function: If you start typing while on the Start screen, it’ll show a list of programs matching the letters you typed.

Searching in Windows 8

I also like the way you can have live tiles on the Start screen showing various info without having to start them up. So I can always check the weather just by pressing the Windows key. And the People tile shows the latests updates from Facebook, while the Calendar tile shows the events of the day. So just like the old desktop gadgets/widgets that I have used a bit on and off over the years. Hopefully there’ll be more useful live tiles in Microsoft’s app store as time goes.

Start screen

Still, it kinda irks me that for new Win8 apps, they have to take over one whole monitor. It helps that I’m using two monitors at home, but it’s still distracting whenever I decide to start one of Windows 8’s built-in apps, and it covers everything on that monitor. It is possible to dock one app on the side and keep using desktop mode like shown in my screenshot, but once you open any more it’ll take over that monitor. I guess the easiest solution for that is to avoid using Windows 8 apps, and use programs that runs in regular windowed mode instead.

Some new features that I found amusing so far in Windows 8:

  • You can now show a taskbar on each of your monitors
  • You can set the taskbars to show only the programs/windows that are running on that monitor
  • In Windows 7 you can set a group of wallpapers for Windows to switch between automatically. In Windows 8 you can even make it use different wallpapers from that group on each monitor (like in my screenshot).
  • Picture unlocking is a neat function. In case you just don’t feel like typing stuff. You can choose a picture and then make three mouse actions on it to use as a password for unlocking your computer. For example clicking on one spot, then click and drag along another spot, and then click and make a rotation in a third spot.

Posted by on 2013-01-01 in Software

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 first impressions

Since my nVidia drivers crashed again on my computer, I eventually decided to start playing on Final Fantasy XIII-2 instead of my PC games. The nVidia drivers have been rather unstable after that one time I tried to upgrade the drivers and then roll back to the old one because the upgrade made the TV connection not work… Somehow managed to get it to work again until today. I’m planning to reinstall the PC now, and I’m considering just installing Windows 8 while I’m at it.

Anyways, XIII-2. Old photo:

2012-05-25 20.27.03

Those who are interested in the game probably know most of the stuff about it already, so I’ll just list some random thoughts I had when playing the game.

  • Checking out the available DLC: Why is half of the DLC just different costumes for the characters? Why would anyone want to OH THEY HAVE ASSASSIN’S CREED COSTUME FOR NOEL AND N7 (Mass Effect) ARMOR IT’S AWESOME!
  • Unlike the first game, the tutorial doesn’t seem to last for the first 9 chapters of the game.
  • Character upgrade system is simplified. Probably a good thing.
  • The game is not as linear as the first one, because you can do a bunch of side missions already from the start of the game. Quite a few fetch quests though.
  • Quick-time events! How I not have missed you from Resident Evil. Jokes asides, it’s not that bad, and I also wonder if they have a different animation/cut scene when you miss some of the button presses. (I think I missed once or twice, but the cut scene continued so I’m not sure if anything changed.)
  • Battles are sometimes cinematic, with cut scenes and quick-time events happening half-ways through a battle. Pretty cool!
  • Oh and the game features time travel. I wonder if you can travel to the same areas in the past and change things to see the changes in the future, like Chrono Trigger! Probably not though.


I also played through the latest DLC for Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3, called “The Beginning of the End”, which tells the story of what happened to the player character from the previous two games. It didn’t really explain much though, I feel like it was just a quick and dirty way of “disposing” of your old player character. But oh well, it was amusing to play through nevertheless.


Posted by on 2012-12-30 in Games

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Party in Bergen, Christmas gaming

December and 2012 is almost over! This Christmas I ended up staying behind in Oslo while most of my family went travelling. The biggest reason is that I wanted for once to have a real vacation, without having to force myself to talk with other people, which is actually really tiresome for me. I’ve mostly stayed at home playing video games and watching Netflix. Since I usually eat dinner with my family once a week, I don’t really miss them that much. Vilhelm stayed over a few days, but went back home earlier today.

Mid-December I went to Bergen to join their Christmas party, we sang a Christmas song and had games with the youth there. Had an enjoyable time! I didn’t manage to take any good pictures. Need to practice more using my phone camera…

2012-12-15 18.36.33

Lorna and Patrick invited us for dinner, it was nice seeing them again and playing with their kid, Celina. She was a bit over a year old if I remember correctly. I was tricking her with a “laser” pen, she didn’t seem to be overly amused because she was looking at me with a rather accusing look on her face whenever I moved the laser away from her!

I’m glad they had those ads about testing the smoke detectors at home, because when I had a look at mine, I found out that they didn’t even have batteries! I guess the one who rented my apartment before must have removed the batteries…? Why would she do that without buying new ones?? Was she burning her food all the time? Oh well, I bought new batteries in any case… Ended up buying quite expensive batteries compared to the ones at IKEA, but I was too lazy to look in lots of stores and figured I’d better buy it quickly. In case a fire starts.

Anyways, once vacation started (and my family left on their travels), I’ve mostly locked myself at home playing games. I’ll list the games I’ve finished since my last blog post and some brief comments about each of them:

Virtue’s Last Reward (Zero Escape) – Loved this game! There are so many plot twists and mysteries in the game that even if you manage to guess some of them, you probably won’t be able to guess all of them! Getting to the final ending to see all the explanations for the mysteries was quite satisfying.

Darksiders – I definitely can see the reason why people say this game reminds them of Zelda: The dungeon designs where you have to solve puzzles to get access to different parts of the dungeons, the items which allows you to access new parts of the world/game map, and the dungeon bosses which require you to use those items to defeat them. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a rip-off though – if anything I’d call it a homage! All that asides, the game is pretty much what I tend to call “a generic button-masher action game”. The story did have some kind of plot twist, but was still quite bland. The Zelda elements/puzzles made the game more enjoyable, but I felt that some of the action segments dragged on for too long. It was an all right game, but I feel no urge to get the sequel.

Ever 17: The Out of Infinity – After finishing Virtue’s Last Reward, I read in some forum that the writer for that game, Takumi Nakazawa, also made this game. Unlike VLR, Ever17 is a pure visual novel, meaning besides a few dialogue options, there is no actual traditional gameplay. You just read through tons of dialogue. There isn’t much graphics either, most of the game you’ll be in around 20 rooms or so each with a single image, with the character images on top of it. They don’t have animations either, but do have different moods. Sometimes there might be still images of “cutscenes”.

The story, however, was really as great as I was told! It’s kind of a “mystery story” like 999 and VLR, and you will hardly be able to guess everything before you get to the explanations given in the final ending. While the game still has some “dating sim” feel to it (which made me somewhat skeptical to playing it at first), it didn’t detract too much from the mystery part of the game. Seriously though, I can’t even watch the opening without thinking it seems like a “dating sim”:

Anyways, I ended up buying the game via a Japanese download shop and then downloading the English version via torrent since the English box version of the game is hard to find… It’s a good game if you like anime/manga, mystery stories and don’t mind reading lots of text on a computer screen.

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood – I kind of like the Assassin’s Creed games, but there are just too many “side missions”! Still an enjoyable game though. I eventually managed to get myself to stop doing missions and finish the game. Although I did buy/upgrade all the shops and landmarks. And at least get the ten “Truth” puzzles. Also the Armor of Brutus. *sigh*

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune – Managed to finish this game in one day! I do like the voice acting and dialogue in this game, it really is like watching an action adventure movie. I really suck at the shooting part of this game though. I did play on easy, but I also activated “Fast motion” mode so I could play the game quicker, which really sped up the game, especially on the climbing parts of the game. But it probably made the shooting parts harder since all the enemies moved faster. Had to turn it off on the last few chapters in the game.

Still a few days left of my vacation, I’m considering whether I want to play more short games like Uncharted or start on some of the longer games on my list, like Borderlands, Final Fantasy XIII-2 or Fallout 3. Might want to finish the StarCraft II campaign too I guess.


Posted by on 2012-12-29 in Games, Rambling

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