Tag Archives: travel

Stockholm, moving, Batman, Skyward Sword

I visited Yann and Gabriel in Stockholm in the beginning of November. Went to Gamex and tried out a bunch of games, was happy to try Skyward Sword and Super Mario 3D Land! Also Kirby’s Return to Dreamland, and various other games. Also we got to listen to a preview of the Gamer’s X-mas concert, lots of great video game music! Almost considered going to their concert the next weekend, but I was kinda tired of travelling by then, needed a break.

Batman 3D
I didn’t bother to try Batman: Arkham City since I was expecting to get it soon…

I’ve moved back to my old apartment now, missed living by myself! It’s great! And I got a copy of Batman: Arkham City shortly after moving, which kept me entertained for many evenings untill I got Zelda: Skyward Sword. Can finally play all evening without worrying about disturbing my brother’s homework. And the apartment doesn’t get messy shortly after I’ve cleaned it.

Although it took some time before it was cleaned up after moving.

I bought the Collector’s Edition of both games (Batman and Zelda), but according to Spaceworld they hadn’t gotten the shipment of Batman: Arkham City Collector’s Edition before now. So it’s on its way in the mail. But the webshop sent me a normal edition copy of Batman for me to borrow and also sent me a bunch of promotional stuff to compensate, quite good service! Unfortunately I’ve read online that there seems to be a bug in the XBox 360 version of Batman, where the savefile would randomly stop working, so I’m a bit too worried to keep playing the game now. But since I got Skyward Sword I’ve been playing that instead.


So, those two games plus the moving and unpacking and cleaning are the biggest reasons why it’s been more than a month since I updated. Though I did have some other activities too last month besides going to Stockholm.

For one it was my birthday, which I didn’t really celebrate much this year, just had a dinner and cake with my family. It was nice! Didn’t get so many gifts, but as you can see I already bought lots of stuff for myself so I’m happy. My parents gave me lots of stuff for the apartment too: a bigger bedquilt, new shower curtains and some furniture. Tina bought me a wooden cutting board, I try to cut down on plastic kitchen utensils now.

We had a party game and dinner day at church and also a sleepover weekend with A.L.I.V.E. at a church member’s house. Made cupcakes, played games and had fun together.

Buttercream topping was a bit too much for most of the A.L.I.V.E. members. Basically 100% margarine with some powdered/confectioner’s sugar and food coloring.

And I went to the Mission Training Weekend in Gothenburg, where we had some training on how to share our testimony with people. Met a lot of friends, ate the sushi buffet at Haiku Sushi (again). I think the consensus amongst my friends is that the sushi there is "all right", though not necessarily that impressive. The buffet is quite cheap in any case (in my opinion), costs almost the same as buying a medium sushi meal in Norway.

IMG_20111119_150202These aren’t all mine.

I think I’ll go play a bit more Skyward Sword before going to bed now. It’s is an amazing game, every time I play I have a hard time putting it down! Hmm so it’s probably a bad idea to start playing now. Oh well, it’s weekend. It’ll be fine. Probably.


Posted by on 2011-12-03 in Uncategorized

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Bergen, Sjöbo and MegaZone

Went to Sjöbo (near Malmö in Sweden) last weekend, and to Bergen the weekend before that, to visit friends.

Bergen was nice, even though two of the people I was hoping to see in Bergen were working so I didn’t even get to see them. But met Hanfeng and Ivy, it was cozy walking around town with them I guess. And it was actually sunny that day, even though it is almost always raining in Bergen! In the evening we went to Ivy’s place and ended up just watching videos and eating a late dinner.

My father was driving to Bergen on Friday, it took 8 hours or so to get to Norheimsund where we stayed with some friends of my parents. It was a quiet place, but very beautiful! We left for Bergen on Saturday and stayed there most of Saturday before going back to Norheimsund to stay the night before leaving for Oslo on Sunday. Because Norheimsund is slightly closer to Oslo than Bergen, this saves some time, but still I think I’d prefer taking a flight next time I want to visit anyone in Bergen!


On my way to Sjöbo I stayed at Tizian’s place in Malmö. Don’t remember if I’ve stayed there once or twice before, but it’s been a while since last time! We left for Sjöbo on Saturday, to go to a party to say goodbye to Anna and Alexiz who were going to Japan to study. Even though I only met them once before, they were pretty fun to talk with, so I ended up going to their party to say goodbye! Unfortunately I left early because I had promised to go to MegaZone on Sunday, but it was fun while it lasted.


After taking the night bus back to Oslo I went home and slept before going to church with my brothers. After church we went to MegaZone (a place where you can play laser tag, kind of like LaserDome. They also have some other games like paintball). We played one round of laser tag, then tried out "GladiatorZ", which is some kind of activity center with a mechanical bull, an obstacle course, sumo suit wrestling and "giant Q-Tips" battle (I tried to find out what it’s actually called in English, but couldn’t find it).

My phone camera is so bad.

After MegaZone we ate at a Vietnamese restaurant. I had fried banana with ice cream for dessert. It was delicious!


Also I finally managed to find all the Gold Skulltulas and heart pieces in Zelda Ocarina of Time Master’s Quest, using a FAQ to find the rest of them because I had gotten so tired of running around the map multiple times. It’s kinda annoying how obvious some of the locations I missed were! Oh well, after that I started playing the first Legend of Zelda (the NES one) on the 3DS. It was as difficult as I recalled it to be, but after playing it a while I seem to have somewhat gotten the hang of it. I think I’m on the level-6 dungeon now, the one with the Wizzrobes.

Looking forward to Kirby Mass Attack‘s release in Europe! Also Batman: Arkham City.


Posted by on 2011-10-01 in Uncategorized

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Briefly in Stavanger

Went to Stavanger last weekend to visit Anna and MJ and John. Anna took me shopping for new clothes, and gave me some fashion tips. Will see if I remember it the next time I bother going to buy new clothes. Need to find a girl to help me buy clothes when in Oslo. Or maybe Sweden is better? Hmm…

Johan MJ

Also I asked her to pick a perfume for me, although I’m going to buy it later since it’s quite expensive. Either on tax-free or try to buy it online. Need to start using perfume once in a while to cloak my stinkyness, although according to her I need to shower before using perfume, and that I’d have to use a deodorant for that instead. I do still have various bottles of deo sprays at home, though I almost always forget to use them. Ah, just remembered to put the deo in my room so it might be easier for me to remember to use it when changing my clothes.

Got the first batch of the free downloadable games for my 3DS by the way. The most interesting ones would be Zelda, Zelda II and Metroid, never beaten any of those games. Old Nintendo games are difficult! No real hint on where you’re supposed to go, no in-game maps, and no abundance of checkpoints to save you from redoing lots of stuff when you do. In any case, I still haven’t gotten myself to give up trying to find all the Gold Skulltulas in Ocarina of Time 3DS Master Quest, so I’m still playing it.

The last two days I got a leave from work to go to an IT exhibition. I got a bunch of USB memory sticks and other stash, lots of brochures, signed up for tons of spam to try and win an iPad (and other prizes, though I didn’t win anything at all), got free yummy popcorn, and listened to a few seminaries (which was mostly advertisements for various companies’ products). The coolest/most useful stuff I got was a buff (scarf thing), and even more awesome: a pair of gloves which works on touchscreens! Not the type with cut-off fingers, but with actual textile which works on the screen. And rubber dots on the palm side, to prevent your smart-phone from slipping off your glove. Seems to be quite good quality for a free gift. Almost makes up for not winning an iPad 2.


Got to test a bunch of phones and Android tablets. Kinda want the HTC Evo 3D, the screen has a better resolution than the 3DS and the cameras can take higher resolution 3D photos, plus 3D video! Which will be a blast to watch once I get an excuse to buy a 3D TV. I’ll see if any phones comes out that I want more, otherwise I just might get this phone some time to replace my Acer Liquid with a partially broken screen.


Posted by on 2011-09-14 in Rambling

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